Our old friend Pluto has turned direct this week (on Friday, September 13, 2011, to be exact) and he’s bringing to a close this year’s underworld journey. What follows is a repost from last year, with dates updated for 2011. Yup, Pluto is showing up,…
The Four Astrologies Recently, someone asked me the precession question. It is one of about four questions I hear over and over again from people who are curious about astrology despite having been taught to be skeptical of it. I have already answered it here…
This month’s Full Moon is also a Lunar Eclipse and it’s setting up to be a doozy, with Mercury as the Shadow Agent. The Moon is in sunny Sagittarius, while Mercury and the Sun are in cool Gemini. Gemini and Sagittarius are polar opposite signs,…
(Seen this post before? That’s because Chiron goes retrograde every year. This year, does it affect YOU? Read on to find out. . .) “Wake up!” says Chiron. “Are you feeling wounded? Recently I brought you a difficult experience. It was also a reminder, an…
“Wake up!” says Neptune. “Recently I showed you that there is more to your life than what can be experienced with the physical senses. I demanded that you look deeper. Now I’m telling you again: it’s time to re-dream your life.” Today Is A Pivotal…
If you’ve read my monthly Forecasts over the years, you may have periodically noticed that sometimes I’ll describe days in which “nothing is happening,” and you may have wondered what use you could possibly make of information like that. These are days in which no…
All Air types (people with a strong Gemini, Libra or Aquarius influence in their chart) have some things in common. They tend to live in their heads and they love abstract thoughts. They prefer a beautiful theory to a hard reality and they are interested…