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How Does Sagittarius Love?

Sag heart 1Do you love a Sagittarius?
Are you a Sagittarius in love?

Human relationships are complex, layered things.  Every sign responds to love differently and has needs that are particular to it.  Also no individual can be categorized by their Sun sign alone.  Every person is a mixed bag of astrological traits, but an emphasis on Sagittarius in your chart (or its ruling planet, Jupiter) will result in distinctly Sag (pronounce it “Sadge”) experience.  In particular, if you have the Sun or Moon in Sag OR if you have Venus or Juno in Sag, this article is just for you. (Not sure where Venus and Juno are in your chart? Use the easy, clear instructions on this page to find out your Venus and Juno signs: How To Use Astro.com To Cast Your Free Astrology Chart.)

Are you a Sagittarius in love?
You are?  Frankly, that’s surprising.  No other sign has as big a case of the “grass is greener on the other side of the fence” syndrome.  Sagittarius longs for what he doesn’t have.  Remaining focused on a relationship is the hard part.  Finding a way to feel free while you’re also committed is just as difficult.  Am I just feeding your ego when I say everyone wants to date you and you’re easygoing and willing to give it a try, but you don’t feel “lit up” by just anybody?  You bring your own happiness to the mix but you are vulnerable to those you can make happy.  But you’re more than just a vaudeville act, Oh My Sagittarian, and entertaining others will never satisfy you for long.  So . . . where to find satisfaction, where oh where?

How to manage your relationships as a Sagittarius. . .
Begin by finding someone who can hold your attention.  That might take a while.  Your best choice is someone who believes in you and who agrees with you about the things that bring life meaning.  However, there’s a pitfall here—if your partner agrees with you too much, you will be allowed to lazily meander through life instead of using your Sagittarian fire for the good of all, which is what you pledged to do by being born under this inspiring sign.  So best find a partner who can question you when you stray from your own best path, kick your butt when you need that, and who will also quickly return to a state of dewy-eyed worship when you’re back on the straight and narrow.  Got that?  Right.  A rare breed, I know.

Do you love a Sagittarian?
Then you have chosen a life of adventure.  I hope you have sturdy luggage because your Sag will not be done exploring this wide earth until she croaks (even if it’s done from the safe confines of an armchair).  If you look deep into her eyes and it looks like she’s somewhere else, she probably is.  Beware of confining her to a humdrum existence—when she starts to wear a chronically trapped look, she’s likely to do some damage.  Also don’t let her do that to herself, because she’ll likely make a sudden exit and blame you.  Does it sound like a Sag requires more care and feeding than you thought?  Yes.  But mostly it’s like having a golden retriever—an active mobile creature who simply needs a good run every once in a (short) while.

If you have Venus or Juno in Sag in your chart, the chances of you dating Sagittarians is very high.  How to handle the Sagittarius you love. . .

  • Tell him you trust him and give him enough rope to hang himself with.  You’ll be surprised at how quickly he comes back, and doesn’t get into trouble at all.
  • Laugh at her jokes and enjoy the show, but in the quiet moments, when she’s entirely deflated, remind her why you believe in her.  How you respond to her when she’s not trying to be upbeat will make all the difference.
  • Encourage him to speak to groups.  Watch him expand, expound and inspire.  There’s a big personality there, itching to come out (if it hasn’t already).
  • Keep up with her.  Be active, mobile and energetic.  Don’t hold her back or jerk on the chain too much.
  • Play with him, freely and unselfconsciously, like a couple of carefree kids.  He’ll feel seen.
  • Never accuse your Sag of having bad intentions.  Always assume her intentions are of the finest, even when she’s just made a mistake of a gargantuan order (or perhaps especially then!).  A gentle correction that speaks to what she was trying to do, rather than what actually happened, will achieve wonders where all the punishment in the world fails to create anything other than a sullen, cynical human being.  And a sullen, cynical Sag is a sorry thing indeed.

How to find out more:

In this article there’s only room to hint at the deeper understanding of Sagittarius that astrology has to offer.  To find out more about being a Sagittarius in Love or loving a Sagittarius, get this teleconference call recording:

In it, you’ll discover:

  • Why your Sagittarius is “a roamer,” and how to gracefully handle his/her freedom-loving nature
  • What your Sagittarius needs in order to sink into committed relationship with you
  • Signs Sagittarius is most compatible with, and why
  • And if you are a Sagittarius, you’ll learn the benefits you bring to every relationship you’re in and the relationship-killers you absolutely must avoid

Sagittarius In Love is an MP3 recording lasting approximately 45 minutes, costing $9.97.

Click here for fast and easy MP3 download

Not sure where Venus and Juno are in your chart?
Use the easy, clear instructions on this page to find out your Venus and Juno signs:
How To Use Astro.com To Cast Your Free Astrology Chart.

Get a reading about love and relationships in your chart

Jamie has been practicing astrology in the Bay Area since 1992 and teaching since 1997. She is currently certified at NCGR Level 3. She specializes in feminine archetypes and a positive, empowering approach. Jamie enjoys working with individuals, couples, and families to improve the quality of their lives and expand each person’s choices.