Aries, this post is all about you, which must mean that I have your full attention! Your sign is the hard-headed ram (born between March 22 and April 20) and like a ram, you literally plunge head-first into life. You’re a natural leader, and the…
Those born under the sign of the Archer (born between November 22 and December 20) are well known for being the fun-loving, merrymakers of the Zodiac. After all, they are ruled by Jupiter, the planet of Benevolence. But when are you the life of the…

If you want to really understand people, you have to understand temperament. Understanding temperament means understanding the building blocks of personality we are all made up of. And that would be the four elements and the three qualities and the chart signature sign that arises…
(Note to educators: In the following article, I use astrology to present a non-pathologizing view of differences in learning style among individuals. I hope you find it useful.) Mercury, ruler of Gemini, is the part of your chart that tells what your learning style is. …
One simple and interesting way to understand the astrological four elements is to see their parallels in an orchestra. As the twelve zodiacal signs are divided into four elements, the orchestra is divided into four sections. Each of these sections is distinct in the kinds…