Solar Eclipse in Scorpio: Confessions, Acceptance, Healing
Solar Eclipse, October 2022
The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio occurs at 2º on October 25, 2022. This New Moon is watery, intimate and vulnerable, offering ample opportunity for healing. Venus, the Sun and the Moon are all teaming up to encourage loving exchanges and the merging of resources. strong themes of harmonious relationship and merging of resources.
All eclipses show you your shadow, but Solar Eclipses specifically do so through the actions you take. As a result, Solar Eclipses make your shadow side more visible because you’re acting it out. So naturally, the actions you take during this eclipse really matter. Let them be for emotional understanding, fairness, and sharing.
What’s more, Juno’s long retrograde has just come to a close, and this New Moon offers a meaningful opportunity for closure and relief. That’s because the Moon is trine Juno. It’s a great time to healthily progress with existing relationships or to begin new relationships. Deep dark Scorpio sets an intimate, vulnerable, and sexy tone for emotional sharing.
If you’d like more information, watch our video. The time is ripe to make a healing confession. Honest words can mend old rifts. If you have a planet in your chart placed between 0º and 7º degrees of a Fixed sign, you’ll feel this eclipse. You’ll also feel it if you have anything between 27º and 29º of a Cardinal sign.
Details About This Solar Eclipse In Scorpio
Date: October 25, 2022
Time: 4:00 AM Pacific Time
Type: Partial Solar Eclipse
Visible in: Europe, South/West Asia, North/East Africa, Atlantic.
At: 2º Scorpio
Nodal Orientation: the eclipsed Sun conjunct South Node creates a Releasing (not Initiating) Nodal orientation
Shadow Agents: Venus, Juno

Does It Affect You Personally?
If your birthday is on any of the following dates (in any year at all), you’re most likely to experience this eclipse:
February 10-20
May 12-23
August 14-25
November 14-24
If you have a planet in your chart placed between 22º and 29º degrees of a Fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), you’ll feel this Moon. Also, you’ll feel it if you have anything between 0º and 2º of a Mutable sign (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces).
Remember, not every eclipse touches everyone, but when it does, it’s usually noticeable. A solar eclipse is likely to be marked by an external, real-world event (unlike a lunar eclipse, which is likely to bring up strong emotions and to be experienced as a subjective event ). You may notice events happening anytime within the week surrounding the eclipse (up to a few days before or after).
Go Deeper
Did you really feel this eclipse? Understanding how eclipses affect your own chart can help you to discover why and find out the best ways to respond to it. The best way to learn is in a Natal and Transits reading with one of our astrologers.
Find out more about current Solar and Lunar Eclipses here.
For more of this month’s news, check out our October 2022 videos playlist on YouTube.