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Pandora’s News Video for July: Mercury and Chiron Go Retrograde–Watch Your Mouth

By June 29, 2019September 27th, 2021Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn, Uncategorized

Astrology News for July 2019: Communication Messes and Angry Outbursts

When Mercury goes retrograde, there’s a greater likelihood that communications will go awry, office machinery will break down and parts of the internet will drop service temporarily, but when you throw that together with Chiron going retrograde too, and in fiery Aries, you’re looking at lot of people losing their temper. Throw in a couple of eclipses (as we have got this month) and I’d almost rather stay home in bed. The astrologers of Pandora Astrology describe this and how to handle it.

For more about this, check our main pages for Mercury and Chiron, which have a lot more detail about how these cycles work. Good thing they are predictable! Also check out the Solar Eclipse at 10º Cancer which will stir things up on July 2 and the Lunar Eclipse at 24º Capricorn which will be super-emotional.

Watch for our July New and Full Moon videos (available through our Forecast page) and see you next month for more sky news!
-Jamie, Julia, Natha and the rest of the team at Pandora Astrology


Jamie has been practicing astrology in the Bay Area since 1992 and teaching since 1997. She is currently certified at NCGR Level 3. She specializes in feminine archetypes and a positive, empowering approach. Jamie enjoys working with individuals, couples, and families to improve the quality of their lives and expand each person’s choices.