Grounded Self-Expression:
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo and Leo 2024
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo and Leo
August 4 to 28, 2024
from 21º Leo to 4º Virgo
What does Mercury Retrograde in Virgo and Leo mean?
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo and Leo takes place from August 4 to August 28, 2024. This is the second of three Mercury Retrogrades in 2024, occurring mostly in Fire signs. Mercury’s retrograde through Fire signs this year asks you to think about how you use words. Do you speak to get attention? What is the true purpose of communication?
In August, Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo, then travels backwards into Leo. While in Virgo, Mercury reminds us to choose our words for practical, logical reasons. Mercury will press us to be wise and sensible, even humble. We’ll also learn to restrain criticism. Then, as Mercury backs into Leo, we may learn that some ego is healthy, too. For example, it’s generous to express love and share your perspective. But sometimes there’s an unconsious desire to feel ‘seen’ driving our communication style. During Mercury in Leo, words can express appreciation and love. Equally, they can also dominate and demand attention.

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo: Detail, Order and Perfectionism
Mercury rules Virgo and is therefore at home in this sign. Above all, Virgo wants to do a good job. Mercury in Virgo wants to understand something completely before trying it. Mercury in Virgo learns quickly and deeply. She easily understands complex systems, even when others give up. This is largely due to Mercury in Virgo’s eye for detail, and love of analysis.
When Mercury is retrograde in Virgo, you may notice that your eye for detail gets a little hyperfocused. Maybe you get caught up on specifics in a way that causes you to miss the bigger picture. Also, you may find that your need for perfection can slow you down considerably. When Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo, you must learn how much order is necessary and helpful–and how much is too much.
To learn how Mercury functions in your chart
and how to use the retrograde cycle to your advantage,
Contact Pandora Astrology for a Natal and Transits Reading.
If you prefer to learn independently
about Mercury’s placement in your chart,
draw up your natal chart here and get cracking!
Mercury Retrograde in Leo: How to Communicate Generously
After Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo, it will back up into the sign of Leo. Leo, the Fixed Fire sign, represents royalty and entertainment. Thus, planets in Leo give leadership abilities. Of course, this gift is a double-edged sword. For example, a Mercury-in-Leo person can speak with charisma and authority, but might also talk down to others.
To channel Leo’s leadership potential in the best possible way, be careful not to speak down to others. They are not your subjects. Most likely, a superior attitude will alienate others. On top of that, you should try to be aware of moodiness. When Mercury is in a Fire sign, creative inspiration can strike–and this can come out in your communication. Ask yourself: am I here to award inspiration or to grab attention for myself? The best leaders are in service to those they lead.
In conclusion, during Mercury Retrograde periods, we review and rework the area of our chart that he is traveling through. Mercury Retrograde in Virgo and Leo calls for self-awareness around communication. For example, you may ask yourself, what about my communication style has been working? What hasn’t? How can I convey authority with inspiration? Capture people’s attention without being a blowhard? How can I focus on details without being critical?
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