(That sexy secret only you possess that makes you irresistibly attractive to the perfect man who will devote himself to you)
Free Teleclass
Do you know that with every move, every gesture, everything you say and do, you are either attracting or repelling the perfect man for you?
Everything you do signals your readiness for him—your readiness to love him, accept him, be with him, share your life with him, and open yourself completely to him in sexy surrender. Or your unreadiness.
If you really are ready, he’ll find you and recognize you. If you’re not ready, he can’t find you and recognize you. He’ll bounce off your surface, just as if you were Teflon. Shouldn’t you get ready?
Attracting the perfect man should be natural and in fact, it is natural, when you are being your true self. But it takes so many years to figure out who you really are, what you really want—in life, in a career, let alone in a man—that you may be in despair of it all coming together in time. And if you want a family, this can be deeply frustrating.
Your own personal Mona Lisa smile is the answer. It’s the crown of your feminine attractiveness. Your Mona Lisa smile is the smile your face naturally makes when you think about what you have to bring to relationship. It’s unique to every woman. It’s a secret smile because you’re holding yourself—your real self—in reserve for exactly the right man. You’re not going to give yourself away easily or settle for someone who’s just not good enough. You recognize that there’s probably more than one Perfect Man for you out there, and you want to find just one, so the odds are in your favor. But you need to become the woman—the you—who will attract him effortlessly, just by being your real self. Because he has to be the kind of guy who will love your real self. And when you find him, your heart’s floodgates will open.
But how do you find out what it is, this sexy secret only you possess? This irresistible attractor locked away inside of you, which even you may be unaware of? I’ll give you a hint: it’s probably the flip side of something you are frustrated with about yourself. Something that drives you crazy about yourself and which you’re convinced drives men away (and some men themselves may even have told you this!). But it’s actually your best feature and if you have the confidence and courage to work it instead of hide it, it can effortlessly attract a man who will love all of you and will rush to commit to you.
That sexy secret, your Mona Lisa smile, can be found in your astrology chart. I can tell you what it is.
click here to join my LifeLong Love Free Teleclass: Your Mona Lisa Smile
You can only magnetize what you want when you consciously want to say yes to it more than you unconsciously want to say no. But after years of dating and relationship experience, you may have built up resistance to attracting the very thing you want. It’s completely normal and it happens because you’re:
- frustrated at how long it’s taken and how much time has been wasted
- disappointed at the quality of the men you have to choose from
- determined not to settle, but unsure what that means
- sick to death of the same relationship pattern with the same kind of wrong guy happening over and over again
- tired of hoping it will be different this time
You have a wellspring, a flood, a volcano of love, sexuality, affection, understanding and wisdom to bring to the right man. Don’t you owe it to yourself and him to find him right away? What if your ideal, perfectly-imperfect relationship already exists in a potential state and you are the only thing in the way of it coming into physical reality?
Don’t you want to get this thing handled, once and for all?
But how exactly do you get out of your own way and remove the obstacles that are stopping you from attracting the right man for you?
Your Mona Lisa Smile is key.
In my upcoming free teleclass, I’ll talk about why we women get stuck on the path to the perfect relationship and how to unstick yourself. Then I’ll give some examples from women on the call, so be sure to have your birth data handy and CALL IN (don’t wait for the recording)! You might get some absolutely free astrological information that could cut your relationship search by years.
click here to join my LifeLong Love free teleclass: Your Mona Lisa Smile
PS. I can tell you what your Mona Lisa smile is, but are you ready to use it? Because, frankly, I can’t afford to waste my time helping people who don’t want to be helped. If you’re ready to change—really change—for the sake of the love that’s waiting for you, then I’d love to have you on this call. Here’s how to join it: Mona Lisa Smile.