How To Cast Your Free Astrology Chart
These instructions will allow you to find some of the more obscure data, like your Ascendant degree or positions of Ceres, Pallas Athene, Juno, Vesta or Chiron, as well as the basic 10 planets.
Before you begin:
Your astrology chart is the go-to map of your life. Your Whole. Entire. Life. It’s worth digging up your accurate birth time for this, because some things in the sky move quickly and can cause a difference in your chart (and therefore your personality) in as short a time as 10 minutes. The time listed on your birth certificate is usually better than what a relative remembers, so don’t just take your mom’s word for it. Find a written source with a down-to-the-minute-accurate birth time in it. You’ll be glad you did.
No birth time?
If you have no birth time, list noon as the time. Many things about the resulting chart will not be accurate, including your Ascendant (aka Rising sign), your Midheaven and the house placements of all the planets. Your Moon sign may also be off, if you were born on a day when the Moon changed signs.
How to cast your chart on
Use this link to get to the birth data entry window at
Key to the Symbols of Astrology
The Planets-Parts of You
The Signs
Ways the Planets Express Themselves
The Nodes of the Moon
Life Purpose and Destiny Path
The Houses
Arenas of Life Where the Planets Do Their Thing
The Aspects
Scripts the Characters Are Acting Out
The Angles
Your Four Faces
The Signs in the Four Elements and the Three Qualities
All the Planets at Home
Each planet has a sign it is most comfortable in and a house it belongs with. Astrologers say the planet “rules” that sign and house or that it is “at home” there. In the following diagram, you’ll find the symbol for each planet inside the house it rules, along with the sign it rules. Mercury is listed twice because it rules two signs instead of just one. Ceres, largest of the asteroids and Earth Mother archetype, is listed as ruler of Taurus.
One Analogy That Puts It All Together:
Your Astrological Chart as the Theater of Your Life
Your chart may seem strange at first, and filled with mysterious symbols, but each symbol shown, and the exact placement of it, reveals worlds of information about your personality. Looking at the chart as if it’s a theater, playing the grand drama of your life, we see there are characters (the planets), the costumes they are wearing (the signs of the zodiac, which the planets are placed in) and scenery or settings (the houses the planets are placed in).
Each character has a costume that naturally belongs to it and a setting it belongs in, and each character also has costumes that don’t fit very well and settings it’s uncomfortable in. In astrology, this is called “rulership,” so we say that “Mars rules Aries and the First House” because Aries is the costume that belongs to Mars and the First House is the house most aligned with Mars’ nature. As a rule, a planet is very comfortable when placed in its own sign or house.
Every chart is a complex and interesting mishmash of planets, signs and houses. It’s as if the director suddenly called out “Places, everyone!” and the characters made a mad dash for the costume room, throwing on whatever they could find, then ran to the stage and froze for the curtain in whatever setting they happened to find themselves.
There’s one more layer to it, and that is the fact that the planets/characters have relationships with each other. These relationships act as scripts and cause the characters to relate with each other in particular ways, either disposed to help or interfere with each other’s agendas. Scripts are the aspects. Put the whole drama together and you have a fascinating portrait of a human being!
Enjoy these resources to help you find out a lot more about your chart, your life and your destiny, using astrology—the very best personality inventory and self-discovery tool in existence
This Chart Introduction video shows you the pieces of an astrology chart and how they fit together, using the chart of a much-loved comedian as an example:
This article on Pandora Astrology’s blog shows you how to cast your own chart online for free, with lots of illustrations to help you. The article also contains a list of blogposts that offer interpretations for what you find in your chart once you start decoding it:
When research isn’t enough and you’re ready to learn more about your own chart from the wisdom of a dedicated professional, Pandora Astrology offers readings:
When you’re ready to learn more about astrology itself, from a teacher who loves astrology and loves teaching it, Pandora Astrology offers classes:
And Pandora Astrology’s monthly horoscopes are a great way to keep in touch with the stars:
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