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Monthly Astrology Forecast for February 2025

Welcome to Pandora’s monthly astrology forecast. Here you’ll find news for the year, for the month and for dates this month when important changes are happening in our skies. You’ll also find words and videos explaining what they mean, how to handle them and how to know if they affect your chart specifically.

Pandora Astrology Monthly Forecast, February 2024 Astrology

What does the February Astrology Forecast hold in store for you?

February Astrology Forecast:
This Month’s Planetary Movements

The Astrology of 2025—Outer Planets in Signs

There are some really big changes coming this year because in 2025, four of the six outer planets are changing signs, while two planets continue in their same signs.

Outer Planets Changing Signs:

The two continuing planets are Pluto (in Aquarius) and Chiron (in Aries). Planets moving into a new sign include Neptune and Saturn, both of which leave Pisces this year and shift into Aries. Additionally, Uranus leaves Taurus and enters Gemini. And lastly we have Jupiter, which will finish its Gemini span from last year, and move into Cancer.

One side effect of all this is that 3 of the outer planets (which means HALF of them) are moving into Aries—and that’s a lot of warrior energy coming at us this year.

Dates and Details About Timing:

In the video below, I look at all six of the outer planets, and talk about the sign each one is in and what that means for us in 2025. I’ll tell you how each planetary sign changes feels and I’ll give you important dates when changes happen. Along the way, I’ll show you the degree span that every planet is traveling through. This will give you a clue about whether you’re having a transit of that planet this year.

Read more here…

February Astrology Forecast:
Faster-Moving Planets

February begins with groupings of planets in Aquarius and Pisces, bringing attention to the collective experience and lighting up these signs in general.


… starts the month direct in his favorite sign of Aquarius, where he is exalted. Mercury is speeding up, making it easier to grasp new ideas while learning, and easier to communicate clearly. It’s a great month for Geminis.

Additionally, on February 9, Mercury conjuncts the Sun at 20º Aquarius, which I call “Greater Epiphany Day.” It’s a wave-crest of mental illumination forming this month. Plan to get a lot of deskwork, task management or creative writing done on this day and in the first half of the month generally.

On February 14, Mercury moves on into Pisces, where he is less than happy. In Pisces, Mercury brings mental confusion, but the capacity to write beautiful poetry. Beware of adopting superstitious ideas while Mercury traverses Pisces (until March 3).


… begins February traveling direct (forward) and in her favorite sign of Pisces, where she elevates human love to the divine level. But by February 4, Venus moves on into Aries, where she is in her sign of detriment. This is because the Peacemaker (Venus rules Libra the Scales) does not make a great Warrior (in the fierce sign of Aries, ruled by Mars). Venus is also slowing down, preparing to go retrograde on March 1. Her upcoming retrograde period lasts from March 1 – April 12, 2025.  

Asteroid goddess Juno:

… is also slowing in preparation for going retrograde in March, and with both relationship goddesses retrograding at once, this is not the best spring to plan a wedding. If you can postpone till fall, you might want to do it, because baking hesitancy and relationship obstacles into a marriage from the beginning does not bode well, and can be avoided. If your engagement can tolerate waiting until fall, your wedding will be nicer and your marriage both stronger and more enduring.


… starts the year traveling direct (forward) and at speed, which is generally good for finances. On February 14, Ceres conjuncts the Sun at 26º Aquarius in what I like to call “Financial Epiphany Day.” This is where her cycle from last year ends and a new one begins. On this page you’ll see a diagram detailing it.

I’m actually a fan of Ceres in Aquarius, even though Ceres herself might not be. Here we have Ceres, asteroid goddess of money, in the sign of radical leaps, agitation and disruption. If you approach this transit well-positioned, it can bring the kind of radical financial leaps you might want.

However, if you are unprepared, Ceres in Aquarius can destabilize or disrupt your finances. Therefore, getting your money in order is the best approach. Ceres leaves Aquarius by February 24, and if you can hold steady through the most disruptive days, which are Feb 1 – 13, it will likely be back to smooth sailing.    

Track it all as the year goes forward:

To follow my news videos as they come out, check Pandora’s Astrology News of 2025 playlist on Youtube. This playlist will grow as the year moves forward.

February Astrology Forecast: Mars Retrograde

Mars went retrograde in Leo on January 6, 2024 and is still retrograde as of February. This Mars Retrograde period spans from fiery Leo to emotional Cancer, intensifying assertiveness while stirring up deep feelings. Mars in Leo (see blogpost and its video for timing) fuels ambition but can also spark arrogance and frustration, especially for those who have Fixed sign placements. As Mars moves into Cancer, emotions take center stage, making actions feel more reactive and sensitive.

Manage Your Drive, Be Patient:

During this Mars Retrograde period, you’re challenged to balance drive with introspection–don’t let a fiery temper or emotional outburst dictate your choices. Navigating this retrograde means bringing patience, sometimes slowing down to reflect before acting. You’ll also want to align your actions with your core values, so you can emerge stronger once Mars moves forward again.

Learn more and see the timing of this Mars Retrograde in Pandora’s blogpost / video about it. There you’ll find a diagram with specific dates.

How do February’s planetary movements affect you?

The themes of the monthly astrology forecast affect individual people in individual areas of life according to their own astrology charts. Look here to find out if and how you are affected:  Are You Currently In Transition?

Is your birthday coming up?

If your birthday is coming, you’ll want your annual birthday reading (called a “Solar Return” reading) to happen in the month before your birthday–because your birthday is your Personal New Year. It’s the best time for setting resolutions, intentions and new life-directions. Get yourself in alignment with what your Greater Self wants for you this year, beginning with knowing what the plan is.

Is love coming your way in 2025? Due for a career break?
Find out the details of the changes coming and their very specific timing–
beyond the scope of our monthly astrology forecast
so you can prepare to turn the cosmic tides in your favor!

An astrology reading with Jamie of Pandora Astrology
will answer your questions.



Want to capture the beautiful moon on film? Here’s an article I found about how to photograph the moon on nightskypix.com.

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