Signs in Love Set of 12 MP3s


How do you love?
How do you want to be loved?
And who should you marry–and why?

Many people’s relationship problems result from having a conflict between how/who they love and how/who they marry. So they fall in love, only to find their beloved to be unsuitable to marry. Or they give up on love and marry but never feel in love with their spouse. What to do?

Your Venus sign describes how you love and tells about the personality traits you desire in a beloved. Your Juno sign describes how you commit or marry and your best type to marry. Once you understand both these goddesses and their needs in your own chart, you are equipped to find a partner who satisfies you completely. These Signs In Love recordings discuss each sign in depth from the perspective of love and marriage, equipping you for the search.

This set of 12 includes audio recordings for all 12 Venus and Juno signs. After purchase, feel free to give (not sell) them to anyone you wish.

Be sure to also check out this 3-part article series on Venus and Juno: Do Love and Marriage Really Go Together Like a Horse and Carriage?